
On your turn, you have access to 2 Action Points, known as AP.

You may use AP to do the following in any order and combination as long as you don’t choose the same option twice:

• Use an Attack or Action / Ready an Attack or Action
• Make a Movement Action
• Use an equipped item
• Reload one equipped weapon
• Brace yourself (Gain Edge against the next attack you face this round.)
• Inspire (RES + Influence - breaks Intimidation, motivates others, etc.)
• Intimidate (RES + Influence - frightens those who fail this check.)
• Scan (INT + Investigation OR WIS + Perception. For every result of 4, learn a stat on a unit.)

The following use 2 AP:
• Reload up to two of your equipped weapons
• Conceal (Hides you in stealth)
• Use equipment from your inventory
• Loot

You can do the following on other characters’ turns:
• Use your Reaction Here are some tasks that you can take as a free action (does not use AP):
• Switch between weapons on your person
• Pick up a dropped weapon
• Take an item off of a table
• Hand an item to another character
• Drop prone Passive Skills are ever-present, and as such are always active.


Passive Skills usually are stat boosts that are factored into your character’s base stats, or add bonuses to certain skill checks.

Action Skills represent your character’s primary action during your turn. These actions are often attacks or combat related abilities. A player may only use one Action Skill during their turn in place of their attack.

Boost Skills don’t use AP. Instead, these skills are quick ways to enhance your actions. You are limited to only using one Boost Skill per turn. Boost Skills that affect attacks and damage should be used prior to attacking.

Reaction Skills don’t use AP. A Reaction allows your character to react during someone else’s turn or an enemy’s turn. It is an instant response to a trigger, such as a gunslinger using “I Shot First” to attack the enemy target before they are able to attack you. After you use a Reaction, you can’t use another one until the start of your next turn. If the Reaction interrupts another target’s turn, that target continues its turn once the Reaction has resolved.

Free Actions are very quick actions that don’t take much, if any, time to perform. Free Actions don’t use AP and may be done at will, meaning whenever you want, as long as the description of the effect doesn’t say otherwise.

Movement Actions Use 1 AP to move your character in the specified way. A unit may only use one Movement Action during their turn unless specified otherwise

Skill Profiencies

• Acrobatics - Physical Challenges using dexterity.
• Astrana - Knowledge and attunement to astral - the magical essence of Otherworlds.
• Athletics - Physical Challenges using strength.
• Beast - Ability to work with animals
• Craft - Uses tools to create something new, usually associated with artistry such as cooking, forging, or painting.
• Entertain - Provide amusement and enjoyment.
• Influence - Uses courage to face fear and inspire others through presence.
• Investigation - Find clues and traps.
• Lore - Studied knowledge.
• Mechanics - Operating machinery.
• Medical - Ability to perform medical practice, such as diagnosing medical conditions and applying medicine.
• Perception - Perceive your surroundings through your senses.
• Silver Tongue - Your way with words to deceive or persuade.
• Stealth - Do things without alerting others.
• Survival - Adapt and thrive in harsh elements.
• Technology - Ability to interact with the digital world.

Skill Checks

To make a skill check, the WM will ask to roll Attribute + Skill Proficiency + 1d6. For example, if you’re wanting to climb a mountainside, you may be required to make a Strength (Athletics) check. If you’re not proficient, then you’d add Strength + 1d6. If you’re proficient with Athletics, you’d gain Edge, and if you have two levels of proficiency in it, then you’d roll 2d6 instead of one. Simple checks, such as opening a door, don’t require a roll... unless, of course, someone is on the other side of that door trying to bar you in, or you’re trying to pick its lock!