The Worlds
After a great war has come to an end, major advances in society has made for a life of scientific discovery.
Anthos: Once a war-torn world, in the last 86 years Anthos has taken itself towards civility and progress. The realization of life elsewhere in the cosmos ended the dreadful Thousand Years War. Anthos is now seeking partnership with the dyahrin people of Krystos. With both of their efforts combined, Anthos hopes to make the universe more prosperous for all that seek a better life. However, not all is so wonderful. With the emerging of new technology, so to, a dark threat known as the “Chimera”. Chimera are some beast from seemingly another plane of existence, all varying in size and deadliness. Those that have chosen to live outside the city walls, have begone to blame those within the city for causing this problem.
Race(s): Humans, satyr, sirens, minotaur, centaur
Terrain: A vast land of ancient ruins and wildlands. Newly formed cities are now the beacon of what’s to come and a symbol of progress for the people.
Pilgrims of technology from ages ago, find themselves in cities, suspended in the skies above fearing the dark machines below.
Arcwyn: The home of tinkerers, inventors, and scientists. Arcwyn is at the peak of revolutionary science.
Upon discovery of the planet a few decades ago, pilgrims were astonished that Arcwyn had a lost civilization already present there. There were cities suspended in the sky with no one to be seen, along with an artificial sun, keeping the world’s life sustained. Arcwynite scientists began developing various monorail systems to aid traveling between the cities.
Arcwyn relies heavily on the steam power that was present upon discovery as well as the electricity they are able to harvest during their frequent thunder storms.
Each suspended mass is designated as being one of twelve districts that specialize in manufacturing and managing specific resources.
Race(s): Humans, djinn, dwarves, tol (spirits that live in machines), quicklings
Terrain: Cities, dungeons
The dragon-kin Vanticar rule territories that are in a constant power struggle for territory. Only the strong survive.
Brutana: A battle-scarred landscape where only the strong survive. The world is primarily divided into four regions, each dominated by vanticar, a race born of dragon ancestry.
Race(s): argoth (humans), efreet, terrovores, vanticar
Terrain: Arctic, dungeons, highlands, wildlands
A world wrought with criminals - guarded by powerful enforcers. Escape is futile...or is it?
Falden: No one comes here willingly, and that's because Falden is more prison than planet. People that wind up here either made a grave mistake or are one. Krystos is in charge of Falden and uses it as a containment center for people that are deemed unfit for ever leaving. They have several enforcement officers and bots stationed to keep what peace there is.
Just about everyone living here is a criminal, and those that aren't were (quite unfortunately) born here.
Races: Faldenites (humans)
Terrain: Wastes
The deserts span as far as the eye can see. Water is a precious resource and everyone has a bounty on their head.
Doragan: Home of vast deserts and small towns. Here’s there’s nothin’ but outlaw and lawmen, in a constant struggle. There’s good in the wastes, but it’s often hard fought for those who seek it. Whatever good deeds happen in Doragan are often forgotten for the excitement of discovering a massive heap of crystals.
The technology of Doragan allows them to acquire the moisture from the air and turn it into steam power. Farmers grow a large range of agriculture, but focus on cacti farms, which can be used for water or power. Doragan also has a surplus of iron and coal, and thus a spaghetti network of locomotives for both cargo and public transportation.
Travelers from all around have gathered for the crystal rush, where buried beneath the sands, rare astral shards lie. However, it didn’t take long for many of the looters to take all that could be found. Now, travelers, often die in the heat, without so much as gettin’ pocket change.
Trolls are servants of Witch Doctor’s but faced a major weakness - the sun. The rays of the sun would turn the troll’s skin to stone, making it hard for these creatures to live and thrive. Witch Doctor’s found a solution. Using their dark arts, they’ve magically mutated these trolls to cacti, now forming a weird symbiotic relationship with cacti, shielding them from the sun’s rays. Aurora’s often referred to as “time strands” reveal themselves on the planet’s surface. Their nature fluctuates time, spitting out many a weird critters and even weird time-infused weaponry. Of the enemies lesser encounters are the consuming sand elementals, forces of nature unleashed and consuming in the “sadlands.” There are the artificers and their machinations of power. Roam in the Halls of Glass, where echoes of potential and the ability to reflect or shatter your own potential and futures exist.
Then there’s the omen oasis, the Mines of Meriphalino, The Dreadnaught of the Forbidden Flames. Or stop by Moblintown, home of epic minecart combat, catapult cartography, and the ever popular summoning a planar being to consume their territorial foes, the consuming ires or iridescence.
While bessk live as nomads and usually in small groups or to themselves, the dandrik live in the most civilized areas and are the ones to enforce the laws. Vanticar here lack their breath weapons liked their Brutana brethren. They are also smaller framed and have tails. While, not as physically strong as the Brutana, they are able to use their large presence to command goblins to do their bidding, such as robberies.
Race(s): Bessk, dandrik, naga, vanticar, skazeek
Terrain: Desert
Alien ruins and tombs are just waiting to be discovered, but be careful! The tree-sized beasts that inhabit this planet don't like outsiders!
Foragna: A vastly tropical and nature-based planet. Foragna is covered in rainforests, thick brush, murky swamps, and mountainous hillsides.
Such beauty, however, comes at a price—this world is home to many extremely dangerous creatures, including incredibly large spiders, bears, worms, and crawlers.
Races: Felinx, leogin, mushrook, ornok
Terrain: Wildlands, Marsh
Gladiatorial fights and water sports make for an entertaining destination - however, you will want to watch out for the dinosaurs!
Grimora: Grimora is a fascinatingly beautiful, tropical world of many oceans and valleys. The Grimoran share the planet with ravenous dinosaurs and underwater creatures the size of skyscrapers.
Races: Izzilix, Kadairen, Tamarian, Mur
Terrain: Wildlands, islands
Covered in ice, there's a strong connection to astral here...
Krystos: This gorgeous utopia is filled with the most advanced technology found in the universe. Krystos is run entirely by one council, comprised of the most gifted minds across the galaxy. This council observes, monitors, and enforces its laws accordingly to keep each planet in a balanced state.
To keep the cities regulated, the council has put in place various guilds in different sectors, which oversee fields relative to what the individuals of the guild are best suited for.
At the age of sixteen, a Krystonian is expected to take an evaluation test. This test guages many factors, one of the key ones being their aptitude for different working enviroments. What results they get dictate the career path they will likely work in. The Council at that point does its best to regulate accordingly.
Races: Dyahri, forgotten, monokei, nyallie
Terrain: Arctic, Cities
Pray in the moonlight, for the black sun, will not provide hope. Horror comes in many forms.
Transel: A nightmare that only the blood-crazed would find delightful. Transel is the homeworld of the varothan vampires, lykan, and other bloodthirsty creatures. It is predominately known for its two bright moons that occupy the sky throughout the endless night.
Transel’s biggest export is their mercenaries, namely, assassins. No assassin can outmatch a varothan, as none are as quiet or lethal.
Races: Anointed humans, destoka, gargoyles, varothan (vampires), werefolk, witchkin
Terrain: Cities, dungeons, highlands, wildlands
The realm of spirits and mortals are barely separated here, allowing those who are in touch - to see and do the impossible.
Yamanoko: The world of the pink sun, Yamanoko is a place of true beauty. Many Yamanokin citizens are highly spiritual and have a deep reverence for the spirit plane of existence. The world is divided into four primary cultures: The land of Earth, the land of Fire, the land of Water, and the land of Wind. Each land is powered by its element and has a guardian dragon watching over them. In addition to this, each land has one attribute they are known for. These are generosity, passion, order, and freedom.
Races: Dwarves, elves, kitsune, orcs, tengu, yono (humans)
Terrain: Cities, dungeons, highlands, wildlands
Adventure into the outlands, where metal evolves nearly everything trying to kill you.
Zepitan: The home to strange lands and even stranger creatures. The metal here is alive and tends to grow and adhere to the wildlife of the planet. Many inhabitants must use their survival prowess to stay on top of the food chain.
Races: Multanii, raktii, viatuu (bessk)
Terrain: Arctic, desert, highlands, wildlands
This void has corrupted astral, eating away at one's on sanity. Is this very planet alive?
Xilos: Located on the outskirts of the Veralys system, Xilos houses large amounts of mysterious dark astral energy. This rare energy is capable of doing many powerful things, but has shown that high amounts of exposure can lead to death, or even worse, transfiguration. Xilos has a host of native creatures only found on their planet, including the Nartkessh—seven-tentacled beasts with razor sharp, circular mouths and no eyes that lie in the bottoms of swamps. And that's just the beginning of the horrors found here.
Races: ???
Terrain: Wastes