Building A Character
Sample of a Level 1 Character
Listed below is a quick guide detailing the steps needed to created your Otherworlds character.
1. Choose Your Race
Select Your Race: (Bessk, Dandrik, Dwarf, Dyahri, Elf, Felinx, Human, Leogin, Machine, Ornok, Vanticar, Varothan)
Mark Your Skill Proficiencies: Each race is proficient at different things, be sure to mark these points in your “proficiencies” area on your character sheet.
Mark Your Skills: Each race has three race skills you should put on your character sheet, as well as two unique race skills based on your sub-race for a total of five race skills.
2. Choose Your Class
Otherworlds has been available for over a decade with various releases. We’re pleased to say that the game is backwards compatible! This means you can play with any version of any ruleset as is and expect a good game session of Otherworlds!
Select Your Class: Your class will determine what skills you can acquire when leveling up. There are many classes available for Character Creation, however they all can be distilled to one of three archetypes: Fighter, Rogue, and Mage.
Create Your Skill Tree: There are multiple Skill Branches in Otherworlds. You will need to select which three are your favorite. Those three will determine your starting health, astral, and initiative bonus based on what archetype the class is.
Fighter: +3 Health Rogue: +3 Proficiency Points Mage: +3 AstralMark Your Weapon Proficiencies: Your class will give you some options for which weapons you can be proficient with. This will grant you a unique bonus with that weapon determined in the “Weapon Proficiency” chart, as well as allow you to use Discipline with that weapon.
Mark Your Skill Proficiencies: Like your race, your class will also give you an opportunity to increase your proficiencies.
Equipment: The class you select will determine your starting equipment.
3. Roll For Your Attributes
Roll For Your Attribute Stats: You’ll need to roll 6 six-sided dice and apply each result to one of the attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Toughness, Intelligence, Wisdom, Resolve).
Don’t Want To Roll For Your Attributes? You may use one of the following templates instead of rolling for stats to create your character quickly:
Distribute: 24 among Attributes Balanced: 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 Specialized: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6
4. Character Themes
Themes: By default you’ll choose two themes. Themes can represent any unique about your character, such as their mysterious past, cybernetic enhancements and much more!
5. Characteristic Traits
Traits: These describe your character’s personality. We recommend at least one positive, neutral, and negative personality trait.
Goals: This is your character’s motivation; it’s your purpose.
Conviction: This is your greatest belief.
Connection: This is what you feel closest to.
6. Equipment
Weapons: You can get up to two starting weapons that you are proficient with. (There’s a starting weapon for every weapon proficiency. Starting weapons have the lowest stats in the game and often have no special effects).
Armor: Choose one of the following: Cloth, Light, Medium, or Heavy
Guards: Your Choose one of the following: Standard Guard or Battery Guard
Items: Your character may purchase any of the starting items listed for character creation.
Additional Equipment: Your class and background will have also given you some additional equipment.
1,000 Gild
Note: When creating your character you have many choices to make between what proficiencies you want. The Assassin class for example, will allow you to choose if you want to have proficiency in Sniper Rifles or Katanas. If you have a more specific idea for what you want, you may work with your World Master to acquire a proficiency with another weapon type that’s more suited to your character.
At Level 1: At your first level, your character should look like this:
Health: 12 - 24 Astral: 12 - 24 Initiative: 5-18
Attribute Total: 24
Proficiencies: 3-12
Skills: 6 (you will have 3 from your Skill Tree + your 3 Race Skills)
Quick Character Builder
Level 1 determines the following:
12 Health, 12 Astral, Common Language, 1,000 Gild.
Race: Attribute Bonus (a total of +4 and -2), 3 Race Skills, 2 Skill Proficiencies, 2 Weapon Proficiencies, 2 Equipment Proficiencies
Class: 2 Weapon Proficiencies, 3 Skill Proficiencies, 1 Equipment and/or Other Proficiencies (such as different languages and spells).
Skill Tree: A Skill Tree is made of 3 Skill Branches. Each Skill Branch is categorized as Fighter (+3 Health), Mage (+3 Astral), or Rogue (+3 Proficiency Points distributed among any Proficiencies). Example: A character that chooses 1 Fighter Skill Branch and 2 Mage Skill Branches will receive +3 Health and +6 Astral.
Level 1 Skill from all of your Skill Branch
Tier 1 Unlocked / +1 Discipline (1 Discipline is given for each Tier unlocked).
Level 2: +3 Attribute Points
Level 3: +1 Skill Point
Level 4: +1 Proficiency Point or +3 Health or +3 Astral
Level 5: Tier 2 Unlocked, 1 Skill Point, +1 Discipline
Level 6: 1 Skill Point
Level 7: +3 Attribute Points
Level 8: 1 Skill Point
Level 9: +3 Health or +3 Astral or +1 Proficiency Point
Level 10: Tier 3 Unlocked, 1 Skill Point, +1 Discipline
Level 11: 1 Skill Point
Level 12: +3 Attribute Points
Level 13: 1 Skill Point
Level 14: +3 Health or +3 Astral or +1 Proficiency Point
Level 15: Tier 3 Unlocked, 1 Skill Point, +1 Discipline
Level 16: 1 Skill Point
Level 17: +3 Attribute Points
Level 18: 1 Skill Point
Level 19: +3 Health or +3 Astral or +1 Proficiency Point
Level 20: Tier 3 Unlocked, 1 Skill Point, +1 Discipline
Note: Some minor tweaks have been made since the making of the video below. Regardless of which version you use, they’re both compatible. So choose what makes you happy and know the game is still fun and playable either way!