An Epic Future Fantasy
A Tabletop Roleplaying Game influenced by anime and video games, such as Final Fantasy, Borderlands, and RWBY.
Otherworlds® offers a streamlined core rules set, with Vast Character Creation, and tactical combat, with high intesisty and speed.
it’s about the balance between bone breaking and Fist Bumps.
Explore worlds of magic, wonder, and conflict. The citizens of Anthos are combating new, strange creatures born of shadow that have mysteriously been appearing and attacking the newly formed cities.
Brutana is home to the vanticar, a race of dragonkin, who are in the process of expanding their powerful dragon kingdoms, even at the cost of enslaving their once sacred elders.
Arcwyn had to escape the unstoppable Blacksteel Colossi from their past war by ascending their cities into the skies above for refuge. Dark magics of sacrifice and faith turned to false idols have created some, let’s say, twisted features, while others look towards the future to inspire their machinations.
You are an Otherworlder…
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Miss the Otherworlds Kickstarter?! Have no fear. We’re getting our pledge manager set up. In the meantime, become a vscriber (free) to receive our updates, including when we have the pledge manager up!
Dredge Your Bets!
Tale of the Odds
The Wendigo has been tricking monsters into gambling in which they become so indebted that they’re forced to work for the Wendigo himself. He’s even found a way to capture them inside of cards, named simply as “monster cards.”
Your role is to investigate the whereabouts of your captured friends and rescue them from the Wendigo. Your lead? You awoke to a note signed with a simple signature of two horns and a fanged smile. You journey forth with your friends, unsure of what's to come. But you’re getting your friends back no matter what it takes…
This is a no-prep, quick-play version of the Otherworlds Roleplaying Game, which is compatible with Banishment and Super Breaker.
This is the perfect introduction to the Vindicated Universe (Vindiverse) and to playing a Vindicated tabletop RPG; whether you’re familiar with tabletop RPGs or not. If you’ve never ran a game like this before, that’s okay! You don’t need any experience to play, just follow along and enjoy the ride!
Break The Norm!
Inspired by My Hero Academia! Super Breaker has you assume the role as a heroic monster or villain! Play with a myriad of powers, go to school, and become a pro in this exciting game that uses the Otherworlds Engine. (This game is in its BETA and is self contained. No other material is required to play.)
Play A Shadow Game!
Inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh! Banishment has you assume the role as a heroic monster as you battle evil. Play as card summoning magicians, beasts, zombies, pyros and more in this exciting game that uses the Otherworlds Engine.(No other material is required to play.)
Jump right in!
This quick-start guide features the core rules of the Otherworlds System!
This guide includes: The Oasai Ruins Adventure, optional encounters. Six playable characters. Detailed backstories and relationship dynamics noted in the book, to make the story come to life, and so much more!
Make your character!
We took your feedback and made this awesome beauty! Say hello to the new Otherworlds Character Creation Guide! Now easier to use than ever before.
This 102 page guide features the following in beautiful detail:
• 9 Playable Races
• 27 Subraces
• 12 Classes
• 10 Subclasses
• 28 Skill Branches
• 7 Character Backgrounds
• 6 Pages of Characteristic Traits
• Equipment Section
NOTE: This book isn’t required IF you have the Otherworlds Core Rulebook. It does however include additional character options.
One hell of a time!
Anthos is a planet in a precarious position. They’ve only recently put the nonsense of open war behind them, and now they seek to improve quality of life for all. Like any culture though, they have their bad apples. This story is about how one such group of “bad apples” can ruin an entire planet’s chance at domestic peace, and interstellar expansion.
• 38 Page Adventure: Beautifully written in detail by Clark Harper, writer of Guts, Gods & Glory.
• 8 Downloadable jazz music tracks: Written and composed by Sweeps to sync to your adventure
• 3 New premade characters: Bjorn Tyrson (a menacing viking berserker), Blake Danger (a musician that can cast lightning), Styx "Bronco" (a pilot with a hoverboard that also works as a shield).
“I was never creative in my life. Otherworlds made me creative.” -Tyler Burdette
What Is Otherworlds?
While, the current ruleset is our vision of the cleanest, simplest, most creative and fun version. Otherworlds is backwards compatible. You’re able to play with any rule introduced into Otherworlds, and even mix them up.